Thank you Mak, Abah, Syahieda, Angah & Razy. Love !
Mr. Sunshine and I had our first movie date on the last day of April, it was a belated birthday treat from Mr. Sunshine. The last time we watched a movie together was in June last year. We watched The Avengers (which was AMAZEBALLS !). I was like a jakun in the cinema hall, smiling from ear to ear, looking right and left. Mr. Sunshine was as usual maintaining his 'macho'ness. Hehe.
The highlight of my birthday date was of course Mr. Sunshine's surprise lunch treat at Atmosphere 360 Revolving Restaurant at KL Tower ! You see we had planned this date since March, we both took our leaves and Mr. Sunshine said he would make lunch arrangements. He kept me guessing until the very last minute. :)
Even after we entered the KL Tower compound, I still thought we were just going for a walk. *slaps forehead*
The place was beautiful and the food was absolutely delicious ! Thank you Sunshine ! *smooches*
We attended Mr. Sunshine's sister's degree convocation last Sunday. It was a looooong hot day but at the end of the day, everyone was happy ! Alhamdullillah, congratulations Syahieda ! :)
awww!!! HAPPY SNAPS :D so gorge. congrats to the graduate.
Thanks Mel !! :D
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